Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Avatar" - The New avatar of CGI

(I know I am blogging after very long time… It’s been an entire semester without blogging! So it seems that I was blogging only to muse… But No, I’ve decided to go on…) Well, here is my first movie review; I’m not quite the right person for even writing a review… But these are just my thoughts/take on Avatar.

A couple of months back when I saw the trailer of Avatar, it seemed like another CGI movie with a fantasy story. Then the director’s name struck a chord that got me interested even more - James Cameron (A director’s name even known to some locals in Tamil Nadu because of Titanic!). The fact that the script was ready back in 2005 and the movie was made in 2009 just because Cameron felt that the technology was not yet developed for how he pictured the movie, made me want to even ask for a ride to the Theaters on the opening day.
So, I Did! Not only was the movie so good, I wanted to watch it twice and that too I did. Anyways getting to the actual review, the storyline was not so huge and different. If we look at it on a bird’s eye view, it’s got the same outline, Hero sees a group to take down, becomes one of them to know their secrets then when he decided to take them down he’s one of them and protects them. The amazing part of the entire movie is… The way such a concept, a Visual treat that most only dream of till today is made into a movie! The entire planet of Pandora to its intricate detail is simply amazing! The Hallelujah Mountains (floating mountains) to the living/glowing plants equal the Potter world’s level of detailing. The Na’vi, native people are well thought of characters where with interesting hair ends. Their hair ends have tentacles that connect with similar ones on plants and animals that let them read their thoughts and communicate back. Similarly the same allows them to communicate to a sacred tree and share memory and save it. An entire human brain’s functions are done by a tree and that is sacred! Not to mention everything there glows.

One of the coolest things I liked in the movie was the flying hunters. Especially The
Mountain Banshees. The Thanator, Very vicious and absolutely awesome predator and Hammerhead Titanothere is a good thought. The fact that the Na’vi (and most supercars!) are made of natural carbon fiber bones makes me feel, I should reinforce my exoskeleton too!

This is one hell of a movie where reality meets fantasy. A brilliant masterpiece by James Cameron that will stand out for ages to come. Avatar will turn out a successful franchise with how many ever sequels follows. This is just a musing about a few subtle aspects of the movie I felt was also amazing, not quite a review! Again maybe another load of hot air?

1 comment:

  1. did ya watch the avatar?? I like the way they say "I SEE YOU"!
